We ususally don’t pay any attention to our bags. We throw our stuff in them, make sure that they’re not too heavy as to break our backs, then we grab them and go. Trust me, for years, I just used any old backpack that I can get my hands on, my lower back be damned. But when my trusty old backpack broke, I decided to shake things up a bit this time and grabbed the Bobby Anti-Theft Backpack. Does it work as advertised? Read the rest of my review to find out.
First off, let me just state for the record that this is Larry’s fault. I was actually on my way to get me a perfectly fine and boring backpack and he convinced me to go get a Bobby. You can tell him to stop recommending stuff for me by going to his Facebook page and buying out all the Sonic Panda shirts he’s selling.
So, what the heck is this Bobby backpack?
Made by XD Design, the Bobby Anti-Theft Backpack features cut-proof material, hidden zipper closures, and secret pockets. It also has an integrated USB charging port. The makers also boast that its weight balance lets you feel that the stuff you’re carrying feels lighter.
Here, have a cheesily-narrated video highlighting the features of the Bobby:
The anti-theft features didn’t appeal to me that much, really. I’m used to commuting in this pickpocket-infested land called Metro Manila and after losing my phone to a pickpocket years ago, I’m now skilled in the art of keeping my stuff safe. The weight balance was the one that really appealed to me. I like to carry my entire life in my bag, and my old man back would welcome something that would make the load lighter. But, you know, anti-theft features are always welcome when I lug my favorite stuff around.
Does it work?
The Bobby was designed to make it really uncomfortable for any pickpocket to put their greedy hands inside my bag and help themselves to my stuff. And it’s also slash-proof, so a regular box cutter won’t be enough to discreetly cut into my bag. It works. It’s got a crapload of hidden pockets, so I was able to throw in keys, cables, earphones, and other small things into it without any problem. And the weight balance works! I walked around an entire day with the Bobby, with a laptop inside, and I barely felt the weight at all. And the built-in USB port let me charge my phone without taking out my powerbank and putting it in my pocket along with my phone.
As a daily commuter bag, this works – as long as you don’t try to cram way too many things in it.
Which leads me to my biggest problem with the Bobby.
Too much and too little space

It’s a huge backpack. You can fit a 15-inch laptop in it and it has compartments where you stuff all your things. But as huge as it is, it’s not very efficient with all that space. I try to bring a pair of running shoes with me, all the inner compartments get in the way. I can fit my shoes and running gear, but only barely and I have trouble closing the zipper. Normally this wouldn’t bother me, but I bring my shoes with me weekly as I run often, so your mileage may vary. It goes without saying that the Bobby is not a suitable backpack for an overnight trip.
The Bobby Anti-Theft Backpack is a well-realized first generation product. It’s serving well as my daily bag, but I’d love to see a second or third iteration where they manage to fix the space optimization issues so this backpack can be more versatile.
Would I recommend it? Sure. The weight balance alone is worth it, as long as you don’t try to cram too many things into it.
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