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RomCom will be playing at Indie Fridays in Il Ponticello!

Well, what do you know. A little over a month and my new pet project, RomCom, has two gigs in one week! Our first gig will be at REWIND/UNWIND at AMOS Cafe this Thursday, February 23. And our second gig will be at Il Ponticello.

Indie Fridays is an event that aims to provide a platform for independent and promising young individuals in the field of fashion, music, film and art to showcase their gifts and creativity. The idea is to offer every Friday at Ponticiello as a venue for: YouTube artists or starting musicians to play for live audiences. My band, RomCom, is going to play for the first-ever Indie Friday on February 24, thanks to Bloggers United! Awesome, right?

I’m giving away FIVE (5) free tickets. This is what you need to do.

1) Like Indie Fridays on Facebook.
2) Share the event poster on Facebook.
3) Tweet about the event – make sure you tag @bloggers_united and @RomComBand, and use the hashtag #IndieFridaysBU
4) Comment below with your name, e-mail, FB post link and tweet permalink!

I’ll announce the winners on Friday. Thanks guys, and we hope to see you this Thursday and Friday!

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